
Esta vez voy a hablar de uno de los temas que más calentamientos y preocupaciones de cabeza me da a diario: ¿qué hago mañana para comer en el curro?
De lunes a viernes me levanto a las 7:15, como muchos hijos de vecino, para ir a trabajar. La oferta culinaria que me rodea es bastante desoladora, además el estómago se resiente, así que no me queda otra que llevarme la comida todos los días. Me consta que es uno de los temas más recurrentes entre los curritos que, como yo, nos gusta comer bien y no sólo llenar la panza. Las ideas se agotan y acabas bastante harto de comer siempre lo mismo.
Propongo a continuación un menú rico, equilibrado y veraniego, un pelín picante y que no te llevará más de veinte minutos en prepararlo. ¿Le parecerá bien a Santi Santamarina?
Ingredientes: Cuatro tomates de salsa, 1 diente de ajo, aceite, sal, azúcar, cayena, 1 hoja de laurel, 1 bote de alcaparras medianas/grandes, espagueti.
Se rallan los tomates y se pica muy pequeñito el diente de ajo; se fríe en una sartén con un poco de aceite, una cucharada de sal, otra de azúcar, una hoja de laurel, cayena y alcaparras durante diez/doce minutos. Por último se añade orégano al gusto.
Se cuece la pasta al dente y se añade la salsa.
La puedes acompañar de una ensalada de rúcola, cebolla morada (que es más dulce y mejor para la ensalada) y aguacate.
Ingredientes: Filete de carne de ternera muy fina, harina, huevo, pan rallado, semillas de mostaza, sal, pimienta y aceite.
La milanesa es la mejor manera de comer carne en el curro ya que la puedes comer fría, o si la calientas en el microondas sigue estando buena y no se seca mucho.
Con un martillo de madera golpeas para alisar el filete y les haces unos cortes en la superficie (en el Bocaíto lo hacen así que yo me he fijado). Preparas harina, huevo batido (con unas semillas de mostaza) y pan rallado (si quieres con un poco de perejil), y en ese mismo orden pasas el filete al que previamente has salpimentado. Después lo fríes en aceite, con cuidado para que se dore por fuera y se cocine por dentro.
Y del gazpacho que te voy a contar que tú no sepas, querido lector: sólo un consejo, a diferencia del pisto, el gazpacho mucho mejor casero que comprado, tú decides.
Ingredientes: Bote de pisto de la marca Hida (obligatorio, “no sin mi hida”), un huevo, sémola de cous cous, pastilla de avecrem. / Paquete de cuatro remolachas cocidas, cebolla, cebolleta y yogur natural. Sal y pimienta.
La crema de remolacha además de ser facilísima de hacer, está muy rica, es refrescante y tiene un color increíble. Al lío: pones las cuatro remolachas y la cebolla con dos vasos de agua y un buen chorro de aceite de oliva, lo bates todo muy bien, cuando esté batido añades el yogur natural (suelo poner 1 y medio) y el cebollino, y vuelves a batir, rectificas de sal y pimienta y listo.
En una sartén con un poco de aceite viertes todo el contenido del pisto y a fuego lento escalfas un huevo para que se haga todo muy despacio (Aproximadamente 12/15 minutos) y luego lo deshaces. Preparas la sémola de cous cous (misma cantidad de agua que de cous cous); se hierve el agua con media pastilla de avecrem y cuando esté en ebullición pones la sémola, apartas del fuego y remueves constatemente; añade una cucharada de mantequilla y en cinco minutos está listo. Sirve de acompamiento perfecto.
Atún fresco cortado en dados, sésamo, salsa teriyaqui, patatas, especias.
En la pescadería del Corte Inglés te lo cortan de maravilla, te lo limpian y no tienes que hacer nada más que ponerlo en la sartén con muy poco aceite, vuelta y vuelta, en total minuto y poco, y cuando ya esté añades en la sartén el sésamo. Una vez en el plato le pones salsa teriyaqui, imprescindible. Para el puré de patatas, pones a hervir dos patatas peladas, las pinchas con el tenedor y cuando estén blandas, las pasas por el pasa puré, añades una yema de huevo, un poco de leche, sal, pimienta, nuez moscada y un poco de cayena en polvo, remueves todo muy bien, y listo.
Garbanzos, lentejas, 1 tomate raf, 1 pepino, 1 cebolla morada, sal, pimienta, aceite y aceto.
Un bote pequeño de garbanzos, otro de lentejas y otro de lentejas, todos junto con una cebolla picada muy, muy fina, un tomate raf y un pepino bien cortaditos, y un manojo de cilantro también muy picado lo aliñas con una vinagreta. Aliñas con aceite, aceto, sal y pimienta.No olvides guardar en la nevera para que esté fresquito. Lo puedes acompañar con un poco de arroz basmati, la mezcla legumbres y arroz tiene muchas proteínas, como la cerveza, y te pone de buen humor.
¡Que les aproveche!
Buen fin de semana
17 comentarios:
Hey, Pinton, que bueno! me vienen de maravilla tus recetas, guapo. Me voy 2 semanas a la playa (estaré conectada, don't worry, seguiré tu blog; soy incondicional) y me faltaban tus consejos culinarios - gastronómicos para engordar un poco (un poquito).
Que gracia me hace que utilices semillas de mostaza en tu cocina. Me encantan...
Theo Goulandris
Oh my dear Pinton, I'm shocked; I mean, this is so working-class, so lumpenproletariat. Or even worse, so petit bourgeois with his habits of consumption, or lifestyle, so disgusting they are. As I am a Upper-class lady, I’ll give you this recipe from my beloved friend Truman.
4 cups finely diced, cooked chicken (white meat only)
1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 cup cream sauce
2 teaspoons salt
1 1/8 teaspoons white pepper
¼ cup dry sherry
½ cup Hollandaise sauce
Mix chicken, cream, Cream sauce and seasoning in a heavy skillet. Cook over moderate heat, stirring often, for about 10 minutes.
When moisture is slightly reduced, place skillet I a moderate oven 350º minutes.
Stir in Sherry and return to oven for 109 minutes. Lightly fold in Hollandaise Sauce and serve at once.
Makes 5-6 serving, I mean the real chic, refined, beautiful and stylish as Pat Zee, Madame M, Lara Loppez-Corredera,the baroness of Lory-Toran, Lady Ro Davies and the countess di Nicotra.
You must learn, style is never out of fashion.
Nancy de Braganza y Orleans and Reagen
Pero que petarda eres, Nancy.
Oh no no Pintón! we don't eat tuna anymore...being a savage is so passé, and tuna is so near extinction (true it is due to Japan's extreme consumism) that we, civilized ones have long since given up on such a delicious treat…As for Nancy, tell her not to eat such pompous, indigestive meals, though she’d like to look refined, because her suffer over her gases and bloating is just not nice to watch. I like your simple, hearty recipes; Pat Zee has an amazing one for organic eggs with a boletus bed that you really must try. And Countess Nicotra specializes in exotic Thai meals, those are a treat…but Nancy would know that if she was ever invited…
Pero, Nancy, my dear, si todos sabemos que te vuelven loca los huevos con patatas y los callos madrileños.
You are not a upper-class lady anymore, you should admit it.
Ya te gustaría a ti pillar algunos de esos platos de los que habla madame m.
Este Blow Job no se entera de nada.
La ironía es una figura de estilo que Nancy domina con perfección, expresando a través de su maravillosa prosa, un sutilísimo sarcasmo y una muy fina zumbaría. No obstante, se nota que quiere a sus personajes tratándoles con un especial cariño.
Los personajes de Nancy son reales y no, según mi amigo Tolo, fruto de una fantasía o de la imaginación creadora. Mi Kolega (es jovencito) Tolo es medio bobo y declara que Nancy y Madame M son la misma persona, pero a mi me parece una tontería del tamaño de una casa; está claro que son 2 personas distintas, aunque personalmente me encante el fenómeno del desdoblamiento de personalidad.
Nancy Reagen y Madame M son lo más.
¿Pero quien será Nancy Reagen? Y Madame M?
Y Pat Zee? Y los Nicotra? Y la tan amada Lady Davies?
Y Ana Santodominguez ¿ Se ha enfadado?
Seguiré fiel. Os juro.
Theo Goulandris
Miss Reagan, I like the way you describe your “friends”, and I get that flattery is your only mean of connection to the world you’d like to form a part of, but com’on, Baron Touran? On what shaky ground one must stand to speak such high words!!
The lord and a few others know that Diego wasn’t born a Baron, he was born the last son in a family of plenty, so if there was any title to be had it wasn’t he that got it; Truth is he did buy the name from a poor, dying soul who’s last wish was that he pay for a good Christian burial in exchange for the right to carry the honor he was born into. Rumor has it the real baron is buried in the common grounds at the presbiteranian church in Malaga. Lord knows how he ended there, but it wasn’t through a proper funeral, that’s for sure!
As for the parties, sure, they are fun enough, if you like that rough, primitive ambient, that pounding disco music, and are willing to overlook that most of the guest are hoodlums that walk up from the street…They are the only parties you are let into, so sure you’re prone to glorify them.
I was talking to my great friend, the host of the real parties, the other day and he said to me “Madame, you do me no justice in your descriptions, I am not such a mysterious character… after all, the fact that nobody knows where I come from more than the monograms on my linen napkins, or what I stand for more than the fact that I have never let into my house poor old Nancy, shouldn’t be grounds for judgment, after all, the napkins could have been bought at any estate-sale or antiquary and Nancy, well nobody lets her in anyway”
Oh, and Theodora, in response to your very heartfelt words, I have something to say:
I, for sure am a real character that lives and breathes and bleeds when cut, as for nancy, she’s real as the fact that the potatoes growing in the orchard by her village home where the only source of nourishment for her whole family while growing up. Ana is not angry, she’s had pressing family affairs to take care of, but she will be back, I’m sure…and as for count and countess Nicotra, Lady Ro Davies, Lara López Corredera, Pat Zee, and other such characters…well, I guess you’ll never know.
Im-presionante, madame m, me dejas sin palabras.
Pero existen o no existen esos personajes?
I know that many people have questioned the validity of the title Baron Leroy-Toran; Lady Davies simply suggests, for her own amusement, that the baron is really called Toran (and not Leroy –Toran), and disputes his origin. Pat Zee, who knows everybody, claims that this title is bogus because she can’t find it in the Allmanach de Gotha. But Pat Zee pays to the baron an inadvertent compliment by suggesting that he’s a really businessman, who saved and doubled the fortune of his beautiful wife, the baroness Rebecca Leroy-Toran, who inherited to different degrees the great Eskottado fortune.
The baroness and the baron are considerate a united couple, and are certainly touchingly affectionate to one another. Rebecca takes an active part, helping the baron to dream up ideas for the great parties that they give in their palazzo in old Madrid. I suspect that she would prefer to translate Greek poetry, but she leads mondaine life just to please her eccentric husband. A great hostess, she prides herself of mixing people up and her address Book is full of celebrities, major and minor: “I’ve got a posh crew. I've got a fashion crew and a Malaseña crew too. I mix them up and they’re happy.”
And now, let’s talk about you, miss M.. How dare you say these things to me? You were a manicurist.. this Madame is one of the great beauties of her age, we all know it; but she was a girl from la Mancha, who, via a number of marriages, in particular to Mr. M., is by now very rich. We all know it too. And she is a snob, and as a common snobbery, she imitates the manners, adopts the world-view and affects the lifestyle of a social class of people to which she aspires, but does not yet belong, and to which she may never belong. She is fascinated by Carmen-Zita Mazarasa and her crowd.
Carmen-Zita (called after the empress Zita), the youngest of the remarkable Masaraza’s children, is also the most beautiful. Delicate, fine-boded, innately elegant, and very self-possesed, she appeared to be lit from within. She was born an Andaluzian from a fine, though somewhat impoverished Spanish family. With a perfectly coiffed cloud of jet black air, C.Z. is highly intelligent and a mine of information of all things cultural. Lady Davies describes her as “elegance personified” and “possessing above all a good heart”. She was the most elegant in Pat Zee’s ball; C.Z. was fitted for a sleek, red, strapless, ermine-trimmed gown by Lanvin. She married the famous and a handsome painter, George Diezma, who says: “I paint people, not because of what they are like, not exactly in spite of what they are like, but how they happen to be." Diezma has painted a number of important people, including the Host. In Madrid they lived for many years in an eighteen century house in calle Infantas. Her husband built a strikingly spiral staircase in the entrance hall. The house was a wonderful mixture of Louis XV, with the atmosphere of the country side, ceramic geese and a life size eagle modeled by Diezma living permanently in the drawing room. Their salon in red Fortuny material was described by Louis Arias as “like a big opera box arranged to welcome friends who’ve dropped in to have fun and to listen Puccini. It’s a room for dreaming, a room for living somewhere outside time, in a life perhaps more cordial than this one”. Here they entertained a mixture of writers, painters, punks, dandies, rock-stars, arrivistes, pulgosos, elegantonas, junkies, etc., etc. They have a daughter called Louise Charlotte (Louise after her aunt, the princess Louise de Polignac; and Charlotte after the hit “Charlotte sometimes” by THE CURE).
C.Z. is pioneering an exciting new movement in jewellery. “The most important woman in a fashionable woman’s life” according to American VOGUE” is her hairdresser, her make-up artist and Carmen-Zita Mazarasa”. She is the queen of the “faux-masterpice”, costume jewellery that is so beautiful and an unusual that it transcended its humble origins. C.Z. makes her fabulous creations out of odd materials such a glass, copper, seashells, branch coral, and carved plastic. Women who could easely afford the real thing flocked to her Covarubias showroom for shoulder-duster earrings that are eight inches long and animal bracelets that look ancient treasures. She has a partner, Laura Joya; Mrs Joya face, combining the strong features on a roman coin with the mystery of a Boticcelli Madona, always appeared cool and knowing, as if she were watching from on high, observing lesser mortals at play.
C.Z.is said to pop up an in-set parties as often as her jewelry. I was told that waiters at functions always bring lost jewelry to her, and that her friends often asked her to perform on-the-spot repairs.
It is hard to describe C.Z. I know she is called “the queen of Madrid”. Her brilliance arise both admiration and dread in the circles that surround her. To me she is the loyal and wonderful of friends, to others she is a figure capable of merciless vengeance. She can be violent in likes and dislikes. She is an ardent protector of her friends. And she loves champagne. And I love her.
Princess Nancy Löwenstein-Reagen
Ante Nancy Reagen, me quito el sombrero.
Perdona, Theodora, pero también estaba siendo irónico, no te confundas.
Tanto elogio, aplauso y encomio y tú, Nancy, ni una referencia a mi persona. Menos mal que madame M. es menos ingrata.
No obstante, Nancy ingrata, este tu último comment es brutal, propio de un enorme talento. Sin embargo, Madame M. con su ingenio y agudeza, rivaliza, disputa o entra en competencia con Nancy. Y que enganche tengo, Dios mío...
también conozco a Carmen Mazarasa y estoy de acuerdo contigo, Nancy; C.Z. es lo más. Y también a su Jorge y a mi amigo del alma, Luis Arias.
Al blow Job, le digo: hay que saber ser ironico, lindo.
Theo Goulandris
Dear, Nancy, I´m worried about you, you like a tipple again, don´t you?
In a way, C.Z. and I think you are getting on a bit. Do you think so, Theo?
el círculo se cierra, theodora...caliente caliente
y evasivas dónde está?
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