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El Nasti se encuentra en apuros. Y emocionalmente me veo en la obligación de contribuir a la difusión de tamaña injusticia. Desde hace cosa de un mes están sufriendo sistemáticamente los ataques y presiones policiales que les obligan a cerrar la sala a la temprana hora de las tres y media, en lugar de a las cinco y media o seis como venían haciendo desde los tiempos de la Sala Maravillas hace más de catorce años. Al parecer han cambiado las licencias. Pero todo así, de repente, de un día para otro y sin notificaciones previas por parte de la concejalía correspondiente del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. O sea, que la cosa huele muy mal, a intereses oscuros, y no quiero apuntar ni a Cibeles, ni a la Puerta del Sol, ni a Coslada. Pero todo es raro, muy raro. A Pablo y Chema, que de sobra saben que no están solos, les quiero expresar mi apoyo total en esta situación tan inverosímil por la que están pasando.
Son muchas las experiencias y vivencias que me unen al Nasti (y al Barbarella, bien sur), que hacen que este ya legendario antro oscuro y caluroso forme parte de mi pasado más reciente como persona. Desembarqué en Madrid con una inútil licenciatura en hispánicas bajo el brazo y preparado para continuar mi formación con un doctorado en literatura comparada. Sin embargo, a los dos meses ya había cambiado la Complutense por el Nasti y el doctorado por la barra donde estuve trabajando de camarero casi dos años. Allí me trataron siempre de maravilla e hicieron mi aterrizaje en la capital mucho más cómodo y placentero. En esas noches locas, entre conciertos de grupazos internacionales y sesiones míticas, conocí a gran parte de mis amigos y viejos conocidos: la genuina Silvia Munich, la carismática Laura Peseta y la ex-tupenda María Rodríguez (con las que compartí barra), la ingeniosa Laura Torera,la arrolladora Estela Aparisi, el dicharachero Jaime Sevilla, los dj´s queridos (Alberto Rahim y su circo, Rubén Soft, La Presidente, Psychocandy, Emil, Eloy Leolento), los seductores Edu y Marta, la incombustible Eva Roques, Natalia Ferviú on the rocks, la espléndida Teresa Levis, las chispeantes gallegas (Paloma Tovar, Carmen Pon, Iria Corredeira e Irene Prada), la original Araceli, el olvidado Zíclope, el genial Roberto Uke, el socialite Nono Vázquez, el fashionista Lucas Arraut y su corte, el entertainer Fernando Millón, el confuso Lolo Gssh Gssh, el soñoliento Nacho Vegas, el ocurrente César Estaviel, el flemático Daniel Fletcher, la singular Jimena, el voluptuoso Miguel Ovelar, los incondicionales Merienda Cena (Ana, Luciano y Jorge), Tono el saltarín, la encantadora Neus, el warholinao Adrián González, los fotogénicos Ramiro E y Elena Grimaldi, el diseñador Rubén Gómez, los Migala, el enfant terrible Ferrán, el camaleónico Norman B, el imprescindible Manu, el atento Carlos Moral, las locuaces América y Lucía, todo su staff y ,por supuesto, esos dos grandes señores que son Chema y Pablo. A todos vosotros, y como cantaba Lina Morgán, vieja asidua del Nasti, agradecida y emocionada solamente puedo decir, gracias por venir.
Y aunque tiempos pasados siempre fueron mejores, el Nasti sigue siendo la sala más emblemática de la noche madrileña y el único club donde se puede escuchar música con personalidad. Con este atropello público a la diversión y a la música, que es lo que importa, es la ciudad de Madrid la que sale perdiendo. Pero que se anden con cuidado las autoridades pertinentes, que esto es una guerra y en el Nasti siempre hemos sido muy extremistas y fanáticos por lo que alguno habrá dispuesto a inmolarse contra el número 33 de San Vicente Ferrer si no se soluciona el problema.
Bajo el lema de Nasti Free y con banda sonora de los Punsetes y su Dos policías (en la puerta del Nasti) este miércoles 14 de mayo a las nueve tendrá lugar un concierto protesta para apoyar a sus responsables y expresar el malestar contra este lío macareno que ya dura más de lo deseado. Ahí estaremos esperando con nuestras mejores armas, es decir, con la música en directo.
El Nasti, como el Barça, es más que un club.
94 comentarios:
NASTI, back in late 90’s and early 2000’s was an amazing place, although I danced everywhere- studio 54, the Mudd club, Danceteria, CBGB’S, the Limelit. You know, I’ am international jet set girl. I remember perfectly when I first went to NASTI with Lara Lopez-Corredera. With her unique sense of style and attitude, Lopez-Corredera is one of the coolest girls of the moment and she’s said that The Queen (Elizabeth, I mean) is her style icon. To furrow your own path, to lead where others follow takes independence, originality, confidence and intuition, all things that Lara Lopez-Corredera has in abundance. With her blond hair and recent-rakish manner, she is a poster girl, lesbian icon (although she is not a lesbian), cover star, and the recent-queen of Malaseña. I loved the way she dragged me to NASTI in a hot night back in 2002 and as soon as we got there she hitched her skirt up to climb on to the bar. Oh my God, she is great and I love she can back shots (tequila, she looooves tequila) better than most hardcore men I know. Lara now runs her own club (yes, a sort of club with restaurant, fun and great, I mean, the hippest in Madrid) and embodies everything that the club stood for: she is unbelievably beautiful, she’s “dread normal” (her words, not mine), she’s got an amazing attitude and then of course there’s her style (but that goes without saying). Today with just 6 months in the business, Lopez-Corredera has left mark in Madrid and everyone she’s met, including celebrities Mick and Bianca Jagger, Nureyev, Countess Nicotra, Carmencita Mazarasa, Lady Davies and Pinton. She is a very good friend too of the ex-socialite Ana St. Dominguez.
Lopez-Corredera has incredible flair- she makes clothes look chic and cool and desirable in the way Carmencita Mazarasa (our Kate Moss) does. She mixes up vintage and punk and designer and street so deftly she doesn’t much need a stylist, now does she? Once I said to Lara Lopez-Corredera: “You have style. Where do you get inspiration? ” From my own personal history and my amazing friend Nicolas Guesquiere from Balenciaga”. She said “He makes the most amazing, over the top, expensive clothes. My style is frontal nudity but covered head to toe in BALENCIAGA custom and lots, lots and lots of Carmencita Mazarasa (the new Loulou de La Falaise) jewellery”. Isn’t she cool?
“But I must admit”” she went on “that whether it’s a Chanel suit or bandage pants, it’s all about what’s inside. Look at Cristina Rosenvinge, she’s a style icon and she is nearly naked all the time. But style is her energy. Style is the raw power of what is inside and the courage to expose it”. I’m amazed. Lara is all in all, a thoroughly modern woman, Lara- our Malazaña’s pin-up. And to be honest, you deserve all your success. You are enjoying life and why not?
Oh, she used too to date one of the best dressed man’s in town (according to PINTON list), a young gentleman with slimming jackets (not Savile Row tailor, but a sort of) and loosely tied neck scarves (learn a couple of ways to tie a scarf and you're set for life…). But Lara begs me“ don’t push it. My private life is private”. I know…
princess Nancy Turn und Reagen
P.S: Madame M- ZIGZAG, FLY THE FLAG, SILLY HAG, NAG, NAG, NAG you are our new Elsa Maxwell. Mean and perverse. I’ll back soon, darling...
Yo fui también (durante poco tiempo, eso si) una chica Nasti y echo mucho de menos sus noches gloriosos, ufanas y bien aventuradas.
El Nasti ya no es lo que era, hay que reconocerlo. Has estado demasiado complaciente, Pinton, con la sala Maravillas.
No obstante, sigue, que me encanta.
Theo Goulandris
Claro, Theodora, que he sido muy complaciente, pero en estos momentos el Nasti necesita apoyo.
pues yo he chupado mucho maravillas y mucho nasti y nunca he visto a nadie tan guapo como estos que sacan en las fotos.
Pintón, eres un bombón.
Tu Warholiana favorita.
FREEEE NASTI!!!!!!!!!!!
You can’t get much more glamorous than this super-chic Madame M. when I first met her it was amore at first sight (I am sort of a lesbian-chic). Madame M. is an olive-skinned, super-successful entrepreneur and has a particular retro-chic style of dress. “Heels or flat?” I asked her once “Sky-High or flat as a pancake, never in between” she answered; Madame M never bought a fur, but inherited her grandmother’s white fur wrap, the item of her wardrobe of most sentimental importance. And she keeps saying all the time: “style is not what you do but how you do it”. She is the only girl I know who wash her petticoat in sugar so it is completely stiff.
Lara Lopez-Corredera, who speaks in the sexy tones of a chainsmoking South American night club singer, is a good friend of her, as the very chic-aristo Lady Davies, beauty countess Nicotra, Lee Radziwil and the Devonshire’s. And I am not talking about the properly famous but people on the fringes of fame- the socially famous, an ever-expanding elite group envied for their beauty and success. Now, like a lot of brain-related things, all roads lead to Madame M. and all her friends wish to be like her: beautiful, socially powerful and unquestionably bright. And as a woman is worth nothing without a man she’s got the most handsome husband, a millionaire gambling expert. Her main passions are for Byron’s poetry (is Byron gay? He mustn’t; Madame M is homophobic) cooking (I love her pumpkin soup!!!) and skiing “I like skiing- it’s like drawing in the snow”, she says. Funny.
Gotcha! But according to Madame M. the story of her life has been back entrances, side doors, secret elevators and other ways of getting in and out of places so people won’t bother her. She has this sense of being overlooked. Cameras are everywhere. “We live among sneaks and paparazzi. Digital and mobile-phones are like machine-guns”. She hates publicity, but I really think she’s as crazy as Joan Crawford. “I was innocently Googling myself” she once said – and I call it her daily “vanity search- “when the first hit of the day came as something of a shock: Nancy Reagen is THE real star and my name hardly shows up”. “to hell with everything. I don't give a damn”. She went on, the fucking layer “In fact having my name whisking around the world is intrusion of the worst kind”. Poor…
but any way, if she has hundreds of enemies she has thousands of friends, I must say. And you know she has the best combination in a human being- an unkind tongue and a kind heart. And I know, Madame, I have no shame. I am in constant contradiction with myself, which is a trait of those who have no strength of character or background to lie back on. But that’s why I love you soooo much, darling.
S.A.R.R. the royal princess Nancy Windsor-Reagen-Radziwill
esta Nacy Reagen es increíble!!!!!
Y que comentario este. Magistral! Never in life before had she so let herself go.
menuda pareja - Madame M y Nancy Reagen.
Theo Goulandris
Aupa, Pinton.
No nos moverán mañana miercoles del Nasti.
Vete preparado.
Besos, cariño
Allí estaremos, Pintón, con nuestras pieles, with our family furs, con nuestros tacones, with our high heels, con nuestras capuchas-hoods...sin maquillar pero con mucho rimmel, lots of mascara,...hasta el amanecer, till dawn...POR TI
(before, cocktail at Larita)
P.D. Nancy, I love you so much, but I have a crush on the man of the tower and can't waste time on you now, sorry.
Lara López-Corredera
Perdona Pinton, pero parecéis unas plañideras. Acabo de ver tu observación sobre mi previo comentario sobre el examine NASTI; está clarísimo Pinton, que tu post tiene como objetivo salvar (o apoyar) el NASTI. Sin embargo,colega, cuando un garito necesita de apoyo, arrimo o auxilio es porque echa aguas por todos los lados. Es evidente que su trágico final (tragedia, desgracia o escena triste desde hace mucho anunciados) no resulta solo de la ridícula (aunque perversa) persecución policial (o comarcal), sino sobretodo del cierre de un ciclo natural inherente a todos los clubes (incluso los más cool). Los clubes, puticlub, bares & discos nacen y mueren. Luego aparecen otros. Yes guay¿no?
Hay algo que está chupao, o sea, que se comprende sin ningun tipo de esfuerzo: el NASTI está moribundo desde hace mucho y ha perdido su brillo resultado de una mediana y casi sufrible programación y del cansancio de un público que ya no le encuentra “cool”. Dejadlo morir en paz, señores. O sea, el clube. Paz a su alma.
P.S: fíjate en los grupitos que actuan en su homenaje. Patético, no?
Soy fan de tu blog. Y del NASTI.
Theo Goulandris
Estimada Theodora Goulandris, me encanta tu nombre o apodo, epíteto misterioso con su significativa etimología. No obstante, y en lo que se refiere a tu último comentario, me gustaría aclarar algo que considero indicativo. Está clarísimo que todos los clubes tienen su ciclo vital y es por demás evidente que el NASTI está en una fase dolorosamente examine (el termino es tuyo). Todos sabemos que si el Nasti se muere no pasa absolutamente nada; otros nacerán. No obstante, hay que dejar cerrar el ciclo de un modo natural, ingénito y justo. Lo que están haciendo con el NASTI va muy para allá de su enfermedad o dolencia; es una gran putada y un peligroso síntoma (sin caer en el histerismo vulgar, valga me Dios) contra lo que urge combatir si no queremos caer en un marasmo general o en la profunda apatía.
En cuanto al concierto, estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. La programación tiene poco valor; no es pequeña ni grande, más bien mediana. Se salva Lidia Damunt. Gracias a Dios.
Grande-Marlaska es ese grupo con pretensiones políticas que sin embargo suena a coro de iglesia del opus? Pues sí, Theo, simplemente patético.
Yo, que a mi edad ya he perdido mi fé en cualquier tipo de dios (si es que algún día la tuve), sí que me gusta creer en el poder de los santuarios históricos. Y justo en eso es en lo que acaban convirtiéndose algunos lugares de noche, seguramente por la cantidad de energías que en ellos se generan y confluyen.
El Nasti para mí significa casi tanto como el ara de sacrificio celta, de allá en la tierra del norte, donde yo dejé mi paraíso no perdido del todo.
Ahora salgo para el campo donde pasaré estos días de puente, por eso no podré acudir a la convocatoria del Nasti, pero seguro que allí quedarán restos de mi energía desprendida en tantas noches de baile.
Así, en plan gitano, si se meten con el Nasti, se meten con Pintón.
They were there supporting Nasti: el pintón Borja Prieto, el bloguero Ignacio Escolar, la estilosa Cristina del Cossio, el brutero Chechu, la destacada Enma, el pipiolo Alfredo, la granadina Avelina, la icono Carmen Mazarrasa, el televisivo Johan Wald,el geniecillo Pablo Padilla.
Yo ayer me pasé un rato, locuazmente, a apoyar el Free Nasti. Estaba animadísimo. Un saludo Pintón*
Y el aristócrata Chiquinho de Guimaraes también estuvo apoyando al Nasti.
Legend has it that when Count Nicotra fled his home town crossing the Alps with the trunks of his car crammed with artworks and jewels he wasn’t running from the police or anti-monarchical mobs at all; Popular belief is that he was running from a woman who’s self-restraint and propriety was abandoned at the mad and careless obsession she’d come to feel for the young aristocrat; Ever since, he hardly ever visits Milan, and although he does spend his summers with the countess widow- his mother- at the family estate in the Piamonte, he seldom attends any social events while there.
He was well established in Madrid, though practically out of valuables to pawn and close to the extreme of finding himself a gentile man’s job when he met the young and beautiful heiress to the Carroquino fortune, but a young debutante at the time who could hardly resist the charme of the old-world aristocracy that Simone exudes. His extreme physical force and elasticity (some bad-mouthing shed on him even suggested he wasn’t an aristocrat but a cast-away from a circus family) and his deep blue eyes gave him an allure that was hardly of this world, and to this day he retains some habits that suggest he might have well earned his living as a cat-burglar, climbing up the sides of buildings unheard and unseen... who knows if at some time he did put his talents to work? He did present his fiancée with a valuable pearl necklace at the time of their engagement that was never a part of the Nicotra family jewels.
And as for Mlle.Carroquino, who’s humility and good reason has prevented her from using the title conferred to her by marriage lightly, what can we say that hasn’t been said at all the social and financial chronicles of her time? Said to have the best legs in Spain, she’s proven to be her family’s greatest asset in bringing the Iron-age industry into the 21st century. And she has the hobby of film-producing and documenting the musical movement of the time, which has brought her many awards and recognitions. All while mothering and home schooling her two beautiful “condesillas”-as they warmly call the girls at home-and being the life of the parties she chooses to attend...what more can we say?
The reason why I tell you this, Nancy, is so you won’t suffer at the constant and mechanical put-downs you have received while throwing yourself at the unopened arms of the Count. You must understand, after such a bad experience with trivial love in his youth and such a wonderful woman at home, Simone would pay no mind to you and your constant insinuations and ever-lowering-cleavage, your batting eyelashes are no match for him, and I wouldn’t take it only as another personal failure, Nancy, Nicotra just wasn’t in the market for a hungry social-climber like you. But do not worry, with the easiness you have for auto-adding titles of noblesse to you pariah name you need not a real one. Your imagination will do just fine
Lady Davis (née Rein), Countess Nicotra, Ana StDominguez and Isabella Strawberry are frequently find inside EL RINCON DE PINTON and other fashion blogs, but this month it is PAT ZEE REZNAK, dressed in riding britches and standing next to her dog Zippie, who is featured on the cover of VANITY FAIR as the icon of "the new society" . According to this magazine, the New Society had new rules and new leaders. Old money, blue blood, and even a touch of royalty simple aren't enough to keep a socially ambitious person in play. LAS ELEGANTONAS, as they are called, have to be larger in their life in every way, and the door is open to entrepreneurs, pulgosos and celebrities of all stripes.
Pat Zee was nicknamed by a sibling who could not pronounced sister, was born in Madrid in 1960. She grew up to be a fun-loving debutante who was a breath of fresh air in stodgy Biarritz. Her high spirits, and blond beauty won her a part in "what had I done to deserve it" of the spaniard director Pedro Almodovar and a screen test at 20th Century Fox in Hollywood. But Pat Zee was more impressive in life than on the stage or the screen, and her theatrical career was shorted lived.
She married twice. Her first husband is the big star Abalos, who describes her beauty aesthetic as "scrubbed clean, shining, and golden"; her second and current husband is Titus von Ferrer, an amiable, impeccably groomed from an eminent publishing familly. Ferrer, a married man in his early forties, found the beautiful Pat Zee irresistible and incomprehensible. He was so accustomed to being surrounded by ambitious women that he didn't know how to categorize Pat Zee. Men were drawn to her because, in addition to be a stunning woman, she was a good sport, a high-spirited buddy who enjoyed hunting, fishing, snorkeling , and other traditional men pursuits.
And when her husband offered jewels, she asks for more horses. She credited athletics, and especially riding, with imposing a discipline on her life that enable her to stay sane, healthy, and good-humoured while other less focused members of the social elite (like the pulgosas) became fragile and self-destructive. I call Pat Zee " the cool vanilla lady" and cool she is, whether on snorkeling with the Aga Khan or poolside with her children Julia Caroline and Inaki Sixcents, in Biarritz. Her looks simple yet classic: outfitted by her favorite designer J. Blascko, she wears beautifully tailored, ladylike clothes in flattering pastel colors. She never worries about being fashionable : Pat Zee is more interested in being sporty and comfortable than in slavish trend following. And ironically, the more she retreated from fashion, the more she is persuaded by fashion blogs and magazines for the unique sense of casual elegance. Composed but never stuffy, Pat Zee makes elegance seem easy. She radiates confidence in all situations.
However and unlike the ELEGANTONAS, who earned their celebrity the old-fashioned way with understated clothes, dark woods, high ceilings, silver smithery and respectable nannies, the PULGOSAS are all about rock and roll, magic mushrooms, underground movies, decaying lofts, models, punk-painters, MDMA, the twist, the frug, the mashed potatoes, pre-Raphaelite hair, speed and Le style camp. Even the clothing, le dernier cri from interesting little boutiques is a mixture of high and low, cheap and expensive, then and now. The unique marriage of uptown and downtown makes Lara Lopez-Corredera this season It girl. She is a revolutionary who is tearing down the walls. As she explains to VANITY FAIR: "there is no class any more. Everybody is equal". Incroiable! Lara is the epitome of the new, youth-driven society. The press watches Lara as if she were an exquisite piece of...radar.
But I must say to all of you that there is a simple test to determine if a person is in or out. Anyone who attended Pat Zee's little gathering in Biarritz for two hundred of her closest friends was definitely a member of the In Crowd. She called it a "teeny tiny... just a little thing we're giving before we go back to Paris". But the party was neither as small nor as casual as her offhand description suggested. Her impressive house in Biarritz was decorated with masses of spring flowers flown in from Italy and champagne flowed all night. The 300 selected guests, included Jackie O, Truman Capote, countess Nicotra, Lady Davies, Madame M, the Agnellis, Gloria Guiness, Sammy Davies Jr., danced to the music of Lester Lanin until 7 a.m. But you know, my friend, fame and wealth don't automatically confer inside status on everyone. Madame M is an example of an outsider. She looked as if she belonged, but she is actually a part of perhaps 500 would-be Ins who doggedly follow in the tracks of the In Crowd. Her problem is that she is famous instead of being accomplished, which seemed to be another of the unifying characteristics of the ins.
Mdame M, darling, you really must learn from countess Nicotra (née Carroquino): she is original without being beginner, immodest but never vulgar, observant but never inquisitive, exhibitionist but never pompous, insolent without being patronizing, immoral but not obscene and notorious but not famous. My dear Madame, everybody knows that you were born Vanessa del Monte in a little pueblo in la Mancha and rumors persisted that this youth supported herself by working as a go-go in a dance hall, where she dazzled men with her sultry charm. Incroiable, n'est pas? Or maybe not...
A kiss
Nancy Reagen von Thurn und Taxis
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