22 de noviembre de 2007


¿Alguien dudaba del verdadero origen del mundo? Aquí la prueba definitiva para los más escépticos.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

what on earth are you up to,
how is it going, and when do I get to see you?

i miss you, feasting on booze and whatsoever(::::::), with your skinny jeans and once-in-a-while winklepickers.

I haven't been around. There's nothing worse than a sweaty 40-year-old snacking on a bag of MDMA hidden in his suit pocket. the drug blaster- a 48 -hour no-sleep, no-daylight, funfest. UGH!!!!! FUCK

pintón dijo...

Dear, Nancy.
I´m so sorry, but I don´t understand you.
Thanks for your support.
Best regards